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Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 34-P90X- Kenpo

Yes I did it today. I started around 8:00 a.m. I had not had anything to eat or drink. I only had some sips of water before I started and I drank water during the workout. The first break I did do the running in place and the jumping jacks and I even did the X jumps. But the next two breaks I fast-forwarded and did not do these. I did do all the kicks and punches and blocks. I am still kinda uncoordinated when doing the hooks and the uppercuts together. So tomorrow is supposed to be a rest or stretch day, but of course I don't plan to do that since I had three days of rest over the weekend. I think I will do the Chest Workout, but somehow I have to document the rest day as a day so I will call the Chest Workout Day 36. Well, someone else might be confused, but I know what I am doing. I should actually be finishing Day 59 tomorrow, so I am over three weeks behind. Oh well, still going....

1 comment:

Jen said...

I don't know how you know you "should actually be finishing day 59" but you should just throw that out the window! The way you're doing it is PERFECT for you and your life right now. Day 34 is right where you should be. One thing I think the folks over at Beachbody forget sometimes is that unlike isn't our's just a small part. Working out 90 consequtive days would be awesome and it certainly comes with awesome results...but it is unrealistic for the vast majority of people who have husbands/children/jobs/lives...

I never want you to get discouraged with yourself because you are on the right track for sure!

Way to go on the Kenpo!