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Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Bucket List

While I was in Galveston, I was able to attend the movie "The Bucket List". I do like the acting ability of both Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. I knew this movie was a comedy, but I had no idea that they would invoke such emotion and deep thinking from me. There were some profound statements made by both characters. I am not going to tell you too much so that you all will be sure and see this movie. I am not going to tell you that I agree with all the ideology of the movie or was I in favor of some of the language. But I must say that I am totally glad that I saw this movie. This movie involves two men with terminal illnesses, and they make a list of things to do before they kick the bucket- hence, the name the bucket list. But this movie is so much more about living than dying. One of the statements made is have you found joy in your life? The other is have you brought joy to others by your life? What questions to ask ourselves each and every day. Only the Lord knows the exact time we will be leaving this world. So.. we must live each day to have joy and give joy. But let me warn you- even you men, have your hankie ready because it will certainly have you choking back the tears. My prayer is one of thanks for all the people God has brought into my life who have brought me joy, and that He will continue to change me that I may bring joy to others' lives. Have a joyful blessed day!

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